Sell Your Items On!

We do it all for you! We conduct live and online industrial & farm equipment auctions from your location!

Selling with is as easy as can be. We are ready to help you with one of our amazing heavy equipment, industrial, commercial or online farm equipment auctions in Michigan or across the country. Construction equipment auctions require a specific knowledge base in order to conduct a quality auction with great results. Our extensive experience will help your surplus equipment sell quickly and at a high price! Additionally, we hold many municipal auctions for organizations that are looking to liquidate their equipment. If you are an organization looking to sell off your equipment, contact us about holding a government liquidation auction!

Below are the instructional steps to sell your items on through one of our online equipment auctions! Once you have reviewed the steps, please click to proceed to auction system to login (or register) and add items. PROCEED TO AUCTION SITE

If you have additional questions and would like to speak to one of our fantastic team members, contact us today! They will be able to help answer all of your questions concerning online construction auctions.

This is an instructional page only. It is not interactive and is not the page you will add items on.

Log into your existing account or register to create a new account by clicking the ‘Sign In’ or ‘Register’ button. 

Click the ‘Add or Manage Lots” option in the dropdown. 

Click the ‘Add New’ button to start the uploading process.

Follow the steps to upload your items and submit them for approval. Click on the photos below to enlarge them.

Seller's Portal Video Tutorial